Sunday, June 20, 2010


Walking around Dachau concentration camp I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of sadness, of loss.So many people were swallowed up by hatred and disregard for life.  As inhumane as it all was, I just don't feel that that the word inhumane really fits.  What keeps popping up in my head is how much the atrocities committed there tells us about the capabilities of the human race.  To walk in the same place, to touch the same walls of so many helpless and terrified pople makes me feel sickeningly connected to that past.  Though sickened, I don't want to let my mind wander from it because it is too somber, too terrible, and our immediate reality seems like a cartoon in comparison to the horrible gravity of that camp.

-A table where prisoners where beaten for things like not having their shoes clean.

Each of these was once a set of barracks holding up to 400

"Shower room"

One room over from the "Shower room"  are the incinerators.


  1. ugh... This makes me sick to my stomache... I think you're right, though. The human race is capable of committing twisted, wicked acts. It's quite scary, actually.

    I just keep thinking - He's a wonderful savior, who's oh so especially fond of us. Grace, Grace. Marvelous Grace. A grace that is greater than all my sin.

  2. It doesn't always have a shape
    Almost never does it have a name,
    It maybe has a pitchfork, maybe has a tail
    But, evil is alive and well. --Jakob Dylan

    That song's been in my head all day, since reading your Dachau post.
